Picture Book Critiques

Ready to make your picture book manuscript shine? I can help!

What to expect from my picture book manuscript critiques:

  • a thorough read-through of any one fiction or nonfiction picture book manuscript
  • detailed editorial letter
  • big picture feedback
  • line edits
  • suggestions for next steps
  • mentor text recommendations
  • market assessment
  • one follow-up email to answer any questions

Rate: $150

Revision Rate: $100 (for an additional critique of a revised manuscript)

Heidi E. Y. Stemple

Award-winning children's author

Alex is one of my most trusted critiquers. Professionally, I have recommended her to others because of her careful eye and thoughtful notes. She picks up on things others don't always see and she gives sage advice.

Liza Gardner Walsh

Traditionally published, agented children's author

There are great editors and great writers and Alex is both, and so much more! Alex has an innate understanding of story, story structure, and language, as well as a wealth of experience with all aspects of the kidlit world and how to navigate it successfully. She has such an astute eye and her edits go deep into the heart of a draft, teasing out details to make each draft better. Her insights have made my stories grow by leaps and bounds. And she is also a lovely person who will make you laugh, cheer for you, and be there for you through the tough and often lonely writing process. I can't recommend Alex highly enough!

Robin Martin

Agented children's author

It’s rare that I agree with everything an editor puts forth, but I felt Alex understood my story and its importance from the beginning. I’ve taken everything into consideration and I know it is now what I dreamt it could be.


Pre-published children's author

I appreciated both Alex's approach and delivery, as well as her knowledge.

Use the form below to reach out with any questions and/or schedule a critique!